Academic work (学術業績)

Papers (論文)

1. Koga, Hiroki. 1998 (Heisei 10). English `tough' sentence analysis of Japanese intransitivized Verbal gerund + /ar/ `be' sentences. Studies in the linguistic sciences, 28: 1, 137-157, Department of Linguistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
2. Koga, Hiroki. 2000 (H12) An analysis of the semantics of connective /ga/ ‘but’ with the use of possible worlds.
古賀弘毅. 2001 (H13). 制約に基づく格の文法:「述語復元」現象. 『日本語教育論集』、第11号、61-85、(関西外国語大学留学生別科)
Koga, Hiroki. 2003 (H15) A constraint-based grammar of case: to correctly predict case phrases without their head verb. Proceedings of 17th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation (PACLIC 17), Sentosa, Singapore: COLIPS Publications, 351-361. (Downloadable at
5. Koga, Hiroki. 2004 (H16). Tense absence in clauses of copula lexically incorporating adjective.
『佐賀大学留学生センター紀要』、第4号、17-32 (他での口頭 発表)
6. Koga, Hiroki. 2006 (H18). Case phrases ‘left alone’ before complementizers, and the semantics of case forms.
古賀弘毅. 2007 (H19). 言語教育力開発のための文法パーサー実装. Fourth (4th) International Conference on Computer Assisted Systems for Teaching and Learning Japanese (CASTEL-J),  Proceedings 3-B6 (downloadable at,  University of Hawaii, Kapiolani Community College.
8. Koga, Hiroki. 2009 (H21). Consecutive occurrences of the tense expletive: in case of a ‘shorter’ event-describing morpheme plus /s/.
9. Koga, Hiroki and Koji Ono. 2009 (H21). Surface constraints on multiple default morphemes of tense.  Proceedings of the 9th International conference on tense, aspect and modality (Chronos 9), Université Paris-Diderot (Paris VII) & University of Chicago Center in Paris, 112-113. Downloadable at
10. Koga, Hiroki and Koji Ono. 2010 (H22). Surface constraints on multiple occurrences of the tense expletive. Abstracts of International Workshop on Morphology and Formal Grammar, Université Paris IV-Sorbonne, 36-40.
11. Koga, Hiroki. 2011 (H23). Affixes' selections of verbal stems/forms.
『第143回日本言語学会予行集』, 大阪大学, 256-261.
古賀弘毅. 2011 (H23). 佐賀西部方言における追加の『ら』入りの否定形の実証研究. 佐賀大学研究プロジェクト「地域学」創出のための医文理融合型研究(研究代表者:石川良太)、『研究報告書』, 5-6.
13. Koga, Hiroki. 2012 (H24). Past affix' selection of verbal stems. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, 232-250, CSLI Publications, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA, downloadable at
14. Koga, Hiroki. 2012 (H24). Verbal negative forms with the affix readjusted with the juncture consonant.
『第145回日本言語学会予行集』, 九州大学, 280-284.
15. Koga, Hiroki. 2013 (H25). The contraction of the unmarked tense morpheme duplicated due to prosodic minimality, 1st International Symposium
Morphology and its Interfaces, Université Lille 3, Lille, France, 2013, Book of Abstracts, p. 57-60.
16. Koga, Hiroki. 2014 (H26) Another allomorph of the negative affix readjusted with a juncture segment at the initial,
17. Koga, Hiroki. 2015 (H27) The non-vocalizing alveolar tap /r/
18. Koga, Hiroki. 2016 (H28) A descriptive generalization of apocope of /u/ and /r/ and compensatory geminates of the non-past forms,
古賀弘毅. 2019 (H31) 歯茎鼻音の調音点と調音法の有/無標性 ((Un)markedness of PoA and MoA of Coronal Nasal), 『全学教育機構紀要』、第7号、163-172.
20. Koga, Hiroki. 2019 (H31) A Harmonic Serialism-analysis of apocope and consonant cluster simplification in a Japanese dialect. (ms)
21. Koga, Hiroki. 2020 (R2) Three-way effects in the complement by two specific-general constraint pairs under the ‘subset’ principle. (ms)
22. Koga, Hiroki. 2020 (R2) Affix allomorphy determined by uniformity of paradigmatic prosodic patterns.
『第161回日本言語学会予行集』, 134-139, 11.
23. Koga, Hiroki. 2021 (R3) Another complex phenomenon posing a problem for Parallel Optimality Theory.
『第162回日本言語学会予行集』, 47-53, 6

24. Koga, Hiroki. 2023 (R5). Another complex phenomenon for Harmonic Serialism and Against Standard Parallel OT. 『九州地区国立大学教育系・文系研究論文集』(The Joint Journal of the National Universities in Kyushu. Education and Humanities, 9(2), No.2 (2023-03-31))(Click here.

25. Koga, Hiroki. 2023 (R5). Leveling among Patterns of Prosodic Structures of Paradigms for Affix Allomorphy. Booklet of Abstracts, 72-75, The fourth International Symposium of Morphology (ISMo 2023), September 12-14, 2023,Click here for handout and here for figure for similarity measurement


Books (著書)

1. 古賀弘毅. 『佐賀西部方言を「科学」しよう!:言語理論入門』    平成222010)年3    三恵社 (初期版は、以下でダウンロード可能、

Dissertations and Theses (

1. Koga, Hiroki. 1996 (H8) Text coherence and readers knowledge, Division of English as an International Language (DEIL),  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, MA thesis
2. Koga, Hiroki. 2000 (H12) A grammar of case: the head of a semantic filler, but a nominative morpheme, Department of Linguistics,
 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, PhD dissertation

Grant-in-aid scientific research (

1. 科研費補助研究(基盤研究、C)、 研究代表:古賀弘毅、 「時制の無標形態素の連続生起および意味に関す る実証的・理論的研究」、 2009年度-2011年度. 課題番号: 21520410.
科学研究費助成事業(基盤研究、C)、研究代表:古賀弘毅、「接辞・態辞による、2語幹語彙素の語幹の選択に関する理論的・ 実証的研究」、2012 年度-2015年度. 課題番号:24520432

Digital Data of Ariake Western Saga Dialect

1.     Two-hundred Sixty Six (266) Non-past Forms in Sentences in One Fixed Pattern

2.     Differences Depending on the Initial Segment of the Following Head Noun

3.     Two-hundred Sixty Six (266) Negative Forms in Sentences in One Fixed Pattern