1.1. Case Phrases Occurring Without Their Head Verb before the Finite Complementizer
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(1) A: hanako-ga koinu-o sigatu-kara sodate-ru.
Hanako-Nom puppy-Acc April-from raise-Nonpast
eHanako will raise a puppy from April.f
B: [kame-o sigatu-kara]-to sensei-ga it-ta.
[turtle-[Acc]FOCUS April-from]-Comp [finite] teacher-Nom say-Past
eA teacher said that (she) (will raise) a turtle from April.f

(2) A:  
hanako-wa  mareego-ga  kodomo-no toki-kara  wakar-u.
Hanako-Top  Malay-Nom  child-GEN-time-since  understand-Nonpast
eHanako understands Malay since her childhood.f
B:  ?[suwahirigo-o  kodomo-no toki-kara]-to  sensei-ga  it-ta.
[Swahili-[Acc]FOCUS  child-GEN-time-since]-Comp [finite]  teacher-Nom    say-Past
eA teacher said that (she) (understands) Swahili since her childhood.f

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