Lesson 8. Grammar Item #4

I do not like cleaning a room.

·          I do not like video games à

わたしは ビデオ・ゲームが すきじゃ ありません。

·          clean a room [in the plain style] à

へやを そうじする(s [‘to do’]-ru à suru

N.B. You cannot use the /ite/-phrase of へやをそうじして as the object of the adjective plus be ‘suki-desu’ since an /ite/-phrase cannot be noun, but is a phrase modifying a predicate, i.e., working as an adverb.


Japanese uses a noun ‘one’, [as used in あかいのを ください ‘Please give red one’], the meaning of which is the least amount, to express ‘doing something’, as below:

へやを そうじする   

  clean room                  one

 This phrase as a whole is NOUN.



1)わたしは へやを そうじするが すきじゃ ありません。

a)   I think that Mary is good at driving a car.

b)  The Professor likes singing, taking a bath.

c)  I am poor at washing a car.