Lesson 7. Grammar Item #3

The food at that restaurant is cheap and delicious. (Lit., The food at that restaurant is delicious, being cheap.)

·          the food at that restaurant àあのレストランのたべもの

·          is delicious à おいしいです

·          is cheap à やすい です

cheap [Present] is [Polite] [Present]

·          is not cheap à やすく  ありません

cheap [Adverb] does not exist



being cheap



cheap [Adverb]    to


N.B. The linking verb /desu/ of /i/-adjective plus /desu/ is used to express that the speaker is polite in his/her utterance, not to express any meaning of the linking verb.



a)   Takeshi is tall and smart. (Lit., Takeshi is smart, being tall.)

b)  Takeshi has long hair, and takes a bath in the morning and evening.


That woman is energetic and interesting. (Lit., The woman is interesting, being energetic.)


·          that woman àあのおんなのひと

·          is interesting à おもしろいです

·          is energetic à げんきで

energetic-being-to be

·          is not energetic à げんきじゃ  ありません

げんきでは  ありません

energetic-being-to-TOPIC does not exist



being energetic



energetic            being






c)     Takeshi likes Japanese songs, and knows 20 Japanese songs.


Professor Yamashita is Japanese, and is about forty years old. (Lit., Professor Yamashita is forty years old, being Japanese.)


·          Professor Yamashita is forty years old àやましたせんせいは40さいです

·          is Japanese à にほんじんで

Japanese-being-to be

·          is not Japanese à にほんじんじゃ  ありません

にほんじんでは  ありません

Japanese-being-to-TOPIC does not exist



being Japanese



Japanese            being





d)    The baby at home is one year old, and drinks milk by himself.

e)     Takeshi is interesting, and is not married.

f)      Takeshi is plays basketball, and is tall.