SCopula{N/Adj} pattern of western Saga dialect
(1) hsiaohai shi buliangshaonian.
child copula yankee
`The child is a yankee.f [i]
(2) hsiaohai cengjing
shi buliangshaonian.
child was yankee
`The child once was a yankee.f
*If we add ecengjingf, it mean it once was, but not anymore now.
In Chinese, there is no exact ways to express copula in past tenses.
(3) hsiaohai jianghui
child will be yankee
`The child will be a yankee.f
(4) fan hen hao
rice is delicious
`The rice is delicious.f
rice was delicious
`The rice was delicious.f
*If we add ecengjingf, it mean it once was, but not anymore now.
In Chinese, there is no exact ways to express copula in past tenses.
rice will become delicious
`The rice will be delicious.f
child is pretty
`The child is pretty.f
(8) hsiaohai cengjing hen piaoliang.
child was pretty
`The child was pretty.f
*If we add ecengjingf, it mean it once was, but not anymore now.
In Chinese, there is no exact ways to express copula in past tenses.
(9) hsiaohai hui
bain piaoliang.
child will be pretty
`The child will be pretty.f
If you change eeshiff in the first sentence into eehenff, it means that the child is like a yankee. The noun eebuliangshaonianff somehow become like an adjective to describe what kind of child he is.
There is no other word order grammatical sentence except for (1)-(9). You cannot change the order of the noun at the subject and the predicative noun.