Sound Data of Utterances in Ariake Western Saga Dialect
--Sounds over the non-past form of a verb of a relative clause and its head noun--
October in 2014 and October in 2019
Hiroki Koga
The utterances recorded are my own. I am a native speaker of the dialect. This home page contains the data focusing on the sequence of sounds over the boundary between the non-past form of the verb and a head noun. The verb is underlyingly /ru/-fina and occur with the glottal stop or the former part of the gemination final like /tabuQ/ `eat [Non-past]' or /mo:shi-ukuQ/ `receive the order of'. The initial segment of a head noun is /u/, /o/, /a/, /i/, /e/, /p/, /b/, /t/, /ch/, /ts/, /d/ , /h/, /h/ as in /hu.../, /h/ as in /hi.../, /k/, /g/, /m/, /n/, /s/, /sh/, /z/, /j/ as in /zi.../, /r/, /y/ or /w/. Since the dialect as well as Japanese is a head final language, a phrasal pattern [tabuQ pan], for example,  means `bread that (we) will eat [Noun].' For example, [tabup pan wa doko ni a:] means `Where is the bread that we will eat?' The data will be relevant to figure out what sound can we hear for the former part of the geminated consonant over the boundary.

[tabup pan]
[tabub budo:] [tabut teriyaki] [tabud daikon]
[tabuk keiniku]
[tabug gohan]
[tabum maguro]
[tabun negi]
[tabus sawara]
[tabuz zenzai]
[tabuh hokke]
[tabur renkon]
[tabuw wasabi]
[tabuy yuzu]
[mooshiukup pan]
[mooshiukub budo:]
[mooshiukut teriyaki]
[mooshiukud daikon]
[mooshiukuk keiniku]
[mooshiukug gohan]
[mooshiukum maguro]
[mooshiukun negi]
[mooshiukus sawara]
[mooshiukuz zenzai]
[mooshiukuh hokke]
[mooshiukur renkon]
[mooshiukuw wasabi]
[mooshiukuy yuzu]

[tabuQ unagi]
[tabuQ okura]
[tabuQ aNko]
[tabuQ ika]
[tabuQ ebi]
[tabuch chinu]
[tabuts tsukushi]
{tabuh huna}
[tabuh hijiki]
[tabush shishiniku]
[tabuj jineNsho]

The symbol Q is the glottal stop. If you click each sequence of sounds, then you can hear the words and a sentence contains the sequence in Saga western dialect three times. The sequences of sounds enclosed between [ and ] may be intermediary forms of the sequences of actual sounds.